
Like most of us, I have read product reviews on the Web and thought, “Hey, I have opinions!” I have been shopping nearly all my life, ever since I took my weekly allowance up to the corner convenience store to see what new candy they had.

OK, not just new candy – any candy. It was then that I discovered the magic that is Heath bars. I stayed away from Heath bars for awhile, mainly because I did not know what toffee was.

Then my friend Lisa gave me one from her father’s secret stash – he ate Heath bars because they did not contain peanuts, something he was highly allergic to.

O. M. G. A Heath bar doesn’t look like much – two thin rectangular blocks of unadorned chocolate. But it is the inside that is truly where Heath earns its street cred. The toffee is a simple, yet delicious mixture of butter, brown sugar, vanilla and almonds, and it is crunchified. When the toffee is juxtaposed next to the creamy smooth decadence of the chocolate coating, all I can say is Mmmmm.

There are two ways to eat a Heath. In one, you scrape all the chocolate off with your teeth, and eat that separate from the toffee. In the other, you just pop it into your mouth (one or two bites? it’s up to you). Either way, you can’t go wrong with this little chunk of heaven.

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